Useful Telegram Groups and Channels Every Singaporean Should Join

Hey people! These days a lot of people are starting to use Telegram as their main messaging app, Telegram has a lot of features that beats Whatsapp hands down. Telegram already has over 200 million active users, that’s 40 times the population of Singapore! Moreover, groups that can contain up to 100K members interacting and chatting, like a IRC but way better with BOT features and Stickers. With so many Announcement channels, one can subscribe to different content providers instead of signing up for various apps. In real time, you can stand to receive content from trendy topics and deals! Here are Useful Telegram Groups and Channels we think Every Singaporean Should Join! Local Affairs & News Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Official Telegram channel of Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, and leader of the People’s Action Party. This channel is managed by the Prime Minister’s Office. Join here: Straits Times The Straits Times Telegram chan...