How Hard Should We Push our Young Swimmers?

Every parent want the best for their children. The idea of what is best for the child might not always jibe with theirs. Often parents will give a nudge towards the decision they think is correct, trying to find that delicate balance between encouraging and pushing too hard. 

But how hard should we push? At its best, getting kids to do things that are challenging for them will teach them grit and flexibility while also widening their world view, whether it’s participating in sports, trying out for a play or engaging in a new social situation. But at its worst, pushing children too far can cause them to retreat inward, become resentful or develop even greater anxiety about trying new things. It can be difficult to determine how much parental pressure on children is healthy and when you should back off.

What we push kids to do depends on our judgment of what’s in their best interest. And we push them to try new things that we think will enrich their lives and make them feel good.” We might also push children to do things in the hopes that it will give them a competitive advantage on future studies and scholarships.

“I think it gives them a sense of confidence to know that if there is a challenging moment, as a parent you’re helping them to problem solve it through as opposed to completely removing it or taking the problem away. A child really does feel accomplished and good about the fact that they were able to get through it."

Often our own childhood experiences greatly impact how we parent. “I think most parents want their kids to avoid the mistakes they made".  So if a parent thinks they would have been more successful if only they’d done better in school or participated in a sports, chances are they will push their kids in that direction.


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